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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2017 ch. 1

Every month I’m amazed at how quickly the time passes. This month, I feel like I made zero progress on everything. And I know that’s not true, but how could it be when the month zoomed by so fast?? This month I have also been thinking about changing my motto for the year. I really like the idea of living purposefully, and doing things intentionally, but I also feel like it might not be 100% right. So I’ve been thinking about changing it to: Be Present. I’ve been out of sorts this month, like there is a layer of haze (maybe I should blame it on the inversion). I don’t feel like I have been fully present in what I’m doing and am often (over)thinking about if what I’m doing now will get me where I want to be…which is part of living purposefully, but I want to be more in the moment, the here and now, and not in the what if or in a space where I can’t control. Does that make sense? Along the way, I will continue to live with purpose, but I think this year it will be a combo.

Okay, less rambling. Here's where I'm at after 31/365 days...

This year I want to re-read all of my favorite books and read from 12 new authors. If I’m being honest, I’m reading one of my favorite books right now…a book I started on January 2. Haha. Reading has definitely not been a priority. I’m re-reading the Happiness Project. Has anyone read it? What do you think about it? Have you done your own Happiness Project?

One of my running goals is to earn the Trifecta medal and to run only new races (with one freebie). I’ve signed up for 3 halves so far! (all new races) I’m getting excited…especially for warmer weather to run in! My first half on the year will be March Madness in early March.

My next running goal is to run 1,000 miles. I’m behind on this one, but it’s okay, because I knew I would be easing back into it, with a week off of regular training. I’ve run 63.6 miles and should be closer to 82.

I haven’t been able to visit any new temples yet this year, but am hoping to visit one in February. What are your favorites in Utah? I’ve been to SL, Draper, Jordan River, Bountiful, and Provo City Center…where should I go next?

I have made this goal before (and failed), but I want to scrapbook as the year goes by. I recently purchased the materials I need and my pictures for January have been ordered! I decided my book won’t be fancy (at all), but at least I will have my pictures printed!

Speaking of pictures, I haven’t bought a new camera yet, but plan to with some of our tax returns. I’m leaning towards getting a canon, but don’t have a specific one in mind yet. Thoughts?

(My favorite of the year) travel every month! We went to the Bahamas (you knew that) this month and it was incredible! I want to post some pictures and post about my favorite things (add this to my to-do list) Next up: AZ!

Last, I want to start blogging or journaling every week. I haven’t been good about blogging because I knew I was going to buy a domain and I didn’t want to switch things up too much. Then I bought the domain and I haven’t dressed it up yet so I didn’t want to post on it. But….I’ll get better at it. Ideally I would like to blog twice and journal twice each month.

So there you go. It hasn’t been perfect, but it’s been a good start. Does anyone already try to be present? What do you do?

I hope your goals are going well too. Haven’t written any yet? It’s not too late. Think of a couple, write them down, and determine what it will take to get there. Goal setting has really helped me improve myself and I think it’s a great opportunity to self-assess and progress!

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