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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 ch. 2

February was quite literally a blur. I’m still not sure if it is a good blur or not. But the fact that we’re already two months into 2017 is blowing my mind. I feel like I have a lot of work to do to accomplish everything I am setting out for myself, but I know if I keep at it, I can do it. 

This year I really wanted to focus on living with purpose and being in the moment more. I want to say yes to new experiences and stretch myself beyond what I think I am capable of. After two months, I definitely have quite a ways to go to mastering this. But I’m trying. 

This month I finished two books, one of which was new. I read The Happiness Project-Gretchen Rubin and The Power of Starting Something Stupid-Richie Norton with Natalie Norton. I love reading the Happiness Project every year as I believe it helps me get on the right track, to lay out my goals, and help me focus. I met the Norton’s in Arizona and was able to get to know their family. They are the most down to earth and genuine people I have met; I knew I wanted to read Richie’s book. The Power of Starting Something Stupid reinforced some of my bigger life goals and reminded me that they are something I need to actively work towards.

My running goals for the year are to earn the Tifecta Medal and run new races. I am signed up for two races in March and have signed up for race #1 of the Trifecta Medal. I also plan to run 1,000 miles this year. I’m still behind, but am at 146 miles. 

I wanted to get better at documenting my life this year and I am proud to say I have been doing well thus far! I have been writing in my journal weekly and I have started scrapbooking…my pictures for February have been ordered!  With this, I wanted to buy a nice camera. Because of some new opportunities, I may decide to put this off for a year. We’ll see.

I made a goal to visit 6 new temples this year. I haven’t been to any new temples yet, but I did do something new in the temple while I was in Arizona. It was so nice being back in the Mesa temple and trying something new; even better was attending with a friend! In March I plan on going to Oquirrh Mountain as my first new temple of the year.

My last (and favorite) goal is to travel every month. I am 2 for 2! We were able to go to Arizona over President’s Day weekend. I loved being home. Arizona will always be another home to me. The weather wasn’t perfect and I was sick, but it was still so nice being back! See my previous blog for more information on our trip.

Ultimately this year is about having new experiences. I want to get out of my rut of doing the same things over and over. I want to be brave and do things that scare me. I don’t feel like I’ve done this too much so far this year, but it’s something I want to work harder on. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017


We just got back from sunny (rainy) Arizona and it was so wonderful! As many of you know, Mike and I lived in Arizona for two years while we were in grad school. It was bitter sweet living there, but I've missed it for months!

While there, we had minimal plans. Mike wanted to go to the gym, I wanted to hike, and we wanted to eat all the Mexican food we could. 

We got in Thursday evening and Mike headed straight to the gym. 

Friday was our one full sunny day. I ran along the canal, which was wonderful, even if I was sick. The two of us met up with two of my friends for lunch at Gekko Grill...and can I just tell you how different and amazing real Mexican food is! Man, I can still taste the tortillas. After lunch, Mike and I enjoyed a walk around the Riparian Preserve. 

We spent the evening with our friends (Jaimee & TJ) who were gracious enough to let us crash their weekend. Dinner was our favorite Asian takeout: Yoko! I miss Yoko and only wish we had eaten more. 

Saturday was rainy, but that didn't stop Mike from going to the gym. He even taught a class! I headed to the Mesa temple (my favorite) to do sealings with my friend, Jaimee. Afterwards we went to Rally's to grab burgers for lunch. And then a few hours later, we went to the Soda Shop for some drinks and a game of jenga. Our last Mexican of the trip was that night for dinner where we went to El Charro...probably my favorite of all Mexican eateries I've ever been to. 

Sunday was a quiet day. We went to church at our old ward, which was so fun! 

Because I had been sick and it has been rainy, we hadn't had a chance to hike. I told Mike I really wanted to get one hike in before going home, so we ended up making the drive to the wave cave. Unfortunately we hiked the wrong trail, so it took longer than anticipated to get where we were supposed to be. It was beautiful! There's something about hiking in the desert. 

All in all, it was the perfect, low key weekend I was hoping for. Now if only I could find a way to get paid to travel! 


Thursday, February 9, 2017

L O, L O, L O V E

Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday so it’s only appropriate I take advantage!

I decided this month I would tell you a little about Mike and I and how we got together.

We met in 2005. He was 14, I was 16. We were both working at a summer cub scout camp up Millcreek Canyon. That summer I started dating someone else so I didn’t pay much attention to Mike; plus he was 14.

A couple of summers later, we were both still working at camp. Mike had heard I’d never been to Barbacoa and insisted that we go. We went and then started hanging out regularly. We hung out quite a bit that summer and into the fall; we even formed BAM (Beth, Abby, Mike=best friends forever). At one point, I even told him I liked him and he told me he liked me back, but he didn’t want to get into a relationship as he was friends with my ex. Life got busy and we didn’t talk as often, but then just like that, the summer rolled around and we were still working at camp. I was dating someone else that summer, but one day I had a Jones soda bottle tell me to find a pen pal. Mike agreed and we began writing notes back and forth, our close friendship rekindling. Mike was going to New York with his family so the night before we had a BAM date at Jamba Juice. We were outside on the grass and Mike and I briefly held hands, there was an instant spark. We texted constantly while he was gone, finally admitting we had feelings for each other again, and this time wanted to pursue it. I broke up with my boyfriend, we had our first date, a few days later our first kiss, and then about a week later Mike asked if I was his girlfriend. 

Mike was still in high school and many people were upset we started dating. I frequently asked myself why we were together if there was no way we would ever get married, but it always felt right. We dated for 4 years until we FINALLY got engaged. We’ve always been best friends first and that’s been the foundation of our relationship.

Here we are, going on 9 years of our relationship. It’s not perfect, but he is still my best friend. So that’s our how we got together story. It sort of just happened really fast, but it was also a long time coming. 

So now that you know that, here are some fun facts about us….


Who wakes up first in the morning? Mike

Who takes longer to get ready? Beth

Who apologizes first after an argument? Mike

Who said I love you first? We used to say it all the time when we were friends, but actual in love, I love you, Beth

Who mentioned marriage first? Beth (although Mike wrote a poem for Beth during their first year together saying after around 7 months he wondered if she was the one…)

Who makes all the decisions? Mostly together, but ultimate say, Beth

Who is the messiest? Mike

Who wears the pants? Beth

Who is more into their looks? Hmm hard one. Mike cares about his body and being physically fit the most. Looks as in clothes and grooming, Beth.

Who spends more money? Beth 

Who has a bigger wardrobe? Probably a tie.

Who is grumpier in the morning? Beth

Who gave the first kiss? Mike 

Who made the first move? Beth (move meaning saying I liked him)

Who’s a bed hog? Mike 

Who is always running late? Mike 

Who is the biggest baby when they get sick? Mike 

Who is the first to say sorry? Mike 

Who is older? Beth 

Who is more sarcastic? Beth  

Who hogs the remote? Mike 

Who is the most stubborn? Both. 

Who drives when you’re together? Beth  

Who is the most sentimental? Beth. Obviously. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Bahamas

Earlier this month Mike and I were able to visit the Bahamas on a cruise with some of my family. To say it was paradise would be an understatement; we had such a wonderful time! 

We began by boarding our Carnival ship, The Sensation on a Monday. 

Tuesday was a day at sea, but with the ship's activities, we stayed busy! We enjoyed participating in trivia games, a photo scavenger hunt, bingo, and comedy show. 


Wednesday we docked in Freeport. Mike, David, Trevor, and I visited Lucayan National Park where we were able to see Ben's Cave and the mangroves. We did our research prior to visiting the park so we knew what to expect. Because of this, I wasn't disappointed and enjoyed learning more about the history of the cave and the park itself. (Excursion booked 3rd party)
After touring the cave, we went across the street to Gold Rock Beach (This location was used for filming of Pirates of the Caribbean 2). This beach was so beautiful! There weren't many people as it's at the National Park. 
 We then drove to a second beach where I ordered some conch fritters, they were delicious and something I would recommend when visiting the Bahamas!  

On Thursday, we stopped at Half Moon Cay (Carnival's Island) and it was probably the favorite day of the trip. Everything is perfect there and we had such a fun and relaxing day! We decided not to book any excursions, but when we got to the island, we rented some paddle boards and others rented snorkel gear. The water was a little hard to board on at first, but it was so beautiful and the experience was the highlight of the trip for me! 
Also on Half Moon Cay, I crossed something off my bucket list! It was spontaneous, hilarious, and just fun. It was great having others there to laugh with. There's a sign on the island that is so accurate: 

On Friday we were in Nassau. We booked a tour through Carnival to snorkel and kyak. The kyaks had glass bottoms which was really cool, but I was nervous because I didn't see many fish and knew we would be snorkeling in the same area. However, when we started snorkeling, we saw more fish. 

After our excursion, a group of us walked around the straw market where we picked up some souvenirs. 
Next we ate lunch and then walked to the Queen's Staircase and Fort Fincastle. 
Afterwards, Lisa, David, and I finished up some shopping.  

On Saturday we got off the ship and spent the day in Miami. It was nice extending our trip a little longer. We enjoyed more beach time, the largest pizza ever, laughs, and good company. 

Our trip was amazing and I would recommend this cruise to anyone wanting to travel to the Bahamas. We had the perfect blend of fun, relaxation, beach time, and sightseeing. 
Not pictured are all of our late nights, comedy shows, midnight snacks, shows, mini golfing, etc.