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Monday, October 30, 2017

2017 ch 10

There’s only two more months of 2017 and I don’t even know how that happened. It’s time to think about goals for next year, I don’t even know where to begin. Usually by this time of the year I have a plan and I start to get excited. Anyone else out there thinking about next year? 

Well so anyway, this month has literally flown by. I was sick for half of the month, so I don’t feel like I fully enjoyed it. 

This month I read one book; The Girl You Left Behind by JoJo Moyes. It was really good! It takes place in two different time periods. 

Hahahahahhaa. Running was almost nonexistent in October due to being sick. I did run a half marathon and it went pretty well. I was happy with my time considering I didn’t train at all. I have one more half left this year! Come run with me! It’s on thanksgiving so you can earn your turkey! 

I’m not caught up, because, Paris. But I’m not too far behind. I was worried I wouldn’t keep this goal up, but I’m happy I have because I love looking back on my pictures! 

Still going well! I’m far from perfect on writing every week, but I’ve been doing pretty well. Next year I want to try blogging more than once/month. 

I’m so sad this year is almost over. I’ve loved traveling every month, it’s been so amazing to visit new places (and old favorites) this month we went to Zions (my first time) and I loved it! If you haven’t been, add it to your list. 

I’m happy with the way this year has gone and although I don’t have many goals set for next year, I have some ideas. Have you started thinking about your goals yet? Any ideas for me? I like to set goals related to my: physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wel-being. 
Do you have a favorite goal you’ve set in the past? I would love to hear! 

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