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Monday, December 31, 2018

November + December + Year in Review + 2019

I never blogged about November...oops! So here is a mash up of November, December, brief year in review, and hopes for next year! Phew! 



Read 52 (ish) books- well. Life happened. I ended up being so busy the last few months of the year, so I didn’t complete this goal. But, I’m happy. I ended up reading a combined 6 books between November and December. (37 total books for the year) 

-Big Magic: Elizabeth Gilbert 

-Anne of Green Gables: LM Montgomery 

-The Adoptive Parent Toolbox: Mike and Kristen Berry

-Small, great things: Jodi Picoult 

-In on it: Elisabeth O’Toole 

-The tattooist of Auswitz: Heather Morris 


Attend the temple monthly- I went in November, but didn’t make it in December. 

I took the prophet’s challenge and read the Book of Mormon from October-December. So I guess technically I read 38 books. Haha. I have never read the Book of Mormon that quickly and felt like I took a lot more out of it than I have before. 


Run 400-500 miles. I finished with just over 400 miles. Next year my running goal will be a little different! 

I ended up deciding not to trilogize. I had a race lined up, but due to the weather (and not wanting to get sick), I decided it wasn’t worth it. I have 0 regrets! 

Go to the dentist. Believe it or not, but I actually went! I hadn’t been in 3.5 years! I have had horrible experiences with dentists, but I’m really happy with our current dentist. I even actually made a 6 month appointment. 

I bought one 72 hour kit (today. Haha) it comes with a lot of stuff, so I plan to sort it out and see what we need for a second kit! (Next year we will get something together for hendo and baby) 

I pretty much finished my fun section, although we only traveled to 2 new places instead of 3. 

I didn’t finish scrapbooking, so I have that to look forward to in 2019. 

Best part of November: officially becoming homestudy approved! 

Best part of December: knowing we are officially ready for baby whenever he/she joins our family! 

2018 was literally so off from what I expected this time last year. We had a trip to Thailand planned, it was going to be our last big trip before we welcomed a child into our home. We planned on fostering. I had started applying for new jobs and was offered a few in April. Ultimately, I knew it wasn’t right. So I happily stayed at my job and we decided we would look into private adoption in January. July/August rolled around and I felt a strong push to start the adoption process, so we did, jumping right in. At the same time, I was offered an opportunity to take a few classes in order to expand my career, I couldn’t say no! Then I was asked to teach a second college class. It was busy! And honestly, I set my 2018 goals aside so I could work on my biggest dreams instead. 

It was a hard year. There were so many unknowns and I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster. I will be forever thankful for my husband, family, and friends who continue to be there for me. We’re not off the ride yet, but I have so much hope for the year to come. 

2019 is going to look a lot different. I realized this year, it can often be hard to set goals for an entire year, when you don’t know exactly what you’re getting into. In 2019, I will have a few goals for the year, but will primarily focus on monthly goals. And really, most of them are steps to building back up habits and taking care of myself. I expect them to change month from month. But the intention is to be present. To put my phone away, to be where I am and to understand my present needs/take care of myself. I don’t want to plan as much and want to allow myself to be happy with the way the year unfolds. It will be interesting, but I’m hopeful it will lead to a wonderful year and change in outlook. 

Here’s how I plan to start off: 

In 2019, I want to:

-Reduce my overall screen time. Ideally, I would like it to be an average of under 3 hrs/day. 

-Have a screen free day once per month 

-Make monthly goals and keep track of my progress 

-Cross off something from our family bucket list. 

-Visit 4 new national parks 

-Have a no spend month 

-PR (5k, 10k, or half) 

-Do better at journaling (ideally once per week) 

-Work on scrapbooks (ideally catching up) 

-Read 52ish books 

-Receive my SSW 

That being said, this is what January looks like (as of now) 

-Exercise 10 times

-Apply to take SSW test

-Drink 1,240 ounces of water 

-Screen free day 

-Journal 4 times 

-One scrapbook 

-Read 3 books 

-Endowment session 

-Try meditating 3 times

So we’ll see. I’m going to let “being present” really guide me. I’m going to listen to what I need and go from there. 

Do you have any big hopes for 2018? I would love to help you reach your goals! You can contact me at 

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