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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

6 Easy Steps to Crushing Your Goals

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something, but didn't know where to start or where to go? Yep, I get it. I've been there. It can be a sea of black. A void. What if I told you there's a way to turn those dreams into reality? 

Here are 6 steps to crushing those goals of yours! 

  1. Identify your goal(s) 
What specifically do you want to see happen? Be as specific as possible. 
-For example: I want to travel to Thailand by the end of 2018)

  1. Write it down. 
On a post-it. In your journal. On the mirror. Physically write it down. I like to have my goals written down in multiple places, including on my phone so I can look at them regularly. 

  1. Split your goal up into daily/weekly/monthly milestones (or mini goals) 
-For example, each month I will save $X
Could also include, when you'll book airfare, hotel, etc

  1. Make a specific plan for your milestone goals 
-For example, I will save $X by creating a budget and determining which areas I can cut each month. 
Your plan could include talking to others who have travelled to Thailand, picking a month to look into lodging, etc. 
*The more detail you have in your plan, the better off you will be. You will know what to expect. Like your goals, write down your plan. 

  1. Check in at each identified milestone and reassess if necessary. 
Have you ever made a goal to then later decide that maybe it wasn't the right time or you simply changed your mind? That's totally okay. By checking in, not only are you ensuring you are still on track, you can determine if anything needs to change. If you deviate from your goal, create new milestones and plan. 

  1. Have a plan for when you finish. Where do you go now? What's next, anything? 
Looking at the Thailand example, what happens once you get to Thailand? Maybe your goal was to exercise for a year, what do the months after you finish look like? Are you rewarding yourself after you accomplish your goal? 
By knowing what it will look like to finish, you will be able to continually motivate yourself to keep it up when the going gets hard. 

So go for it! Set a goal and make your plan. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you put in the work. 

There's no better time to start than now. You don't need to wait for the beginning of the year, month, or even week. Start now! 

Let me know if these steps work for you, I would love to hear from you! 


Graphics created by: kp.felicitari (SHOP)
Check her out on Instagram for the cutest cards + stationary  kp.felicitari

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