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Monday, July 31, 2017

2017 ch 7

This year has probably been my favorite year to date. I was thinking about what (if anything) could make it better and I was only able to come up with 3 things. Needless to say, I will be focusing on those 3 things the rest of the year. But truly, this year has been MAGIC! There’s really something special about living your life with purpose. My situation over the last year hasn’t really changed. I’m working the same job I started a year ago, no house, no babies, and yet somehow changing my attitude and focusing on things I really want to do has made all the difference. Instead of wondering how I’m going to do something, I’ve just done it. It has been eye opening and has taught me to embrace and love the life I live. 

This month has been great! It has been a blur. Letting go of trying to accomplish a couple of my goals has been what I needed. Instead of stressing about getting miles in, I have been able to ride my bike more, rest when I need it, and to hike more. In fact, my training hasn’t been going as well as I would’ve liked, but it’s okay. I decided not to focus on going to new temples, but just to go, and I did. 

I was able to do a session with my sister and it was great. I hadn’t been to a session all year! 

In July, we traveled with Mike’s family for our annual trip to Cedar City. We enjoyed seeing three plays (A Midsummer Night’s Dream,Shakespeare in Love, and Romeo & Juliet). It was a short trip, but always nice to get out of town! As part of Questival (more later) we also drove to Wendover…and then came right back. Haha. 

Reading was a bit slow this month. I read Hollow City and Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs. (Books from the Miss. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children series) 

In July, my whole family (well almost whole family) participated in a 5k together! It was so much fun! I finished with a new PR and took 3rd in my age division! I also signed up for the rest of my races for the year (4 to go!)

I’ve been journaling each week, but didn’t scrapbook at all in July as I never ordered my pictures…oops! So this month I will have two months’ worth to do! 

Over the weekend, we participated in Questival and maybe because it just happened, maybe not, it was my favorite part of July! It’s a 24-hour adventure hunt (read more about it HERE). We completed over 140 challenges and we ended up finishing in the top 100 teams. My favorite parts were: night hike to Ensign Peak, driving to Wendover and seeing the sunrise over the GSL, hiking to Bloods Lake, and the overall feeling of community between the other teams. It was so fun to see other people out doing the same thing we were. Each team was so nice and would say hi to each other. We completed some weird challenges, but also got to do some things for the community. We made some wonderful and unforgettable memories! I wish I could share them all, but I don’t think they would mean as much if you weren’t there. I definitely want to participate again next year! 
(honesty...I'm too lazy to upload pics from this event, so if you want to see pics, check out Trevor's blog

2017 has been good. Real good. What are your goals? It’s not too late to start/set any! I’m starting 3 this month! Set a goal, work for it, and watch it happen. It takes work, but it is so worth it! 
I only have one more month left of summer…give me some suggestions on how I should spend it! Where should I go? (no travel plans yet) What are summer activities I shouldn’t miss out on? 

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