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Tuesday, April 3, 2018


The year is ¼ of the way over and I decided this is a good time to look at my goals and readjust as necessary. Sometimes you get going with a goal and then down the line recognize it may not be the best fit. And that’s okay. I’m readjusting quite a bit, which I used to hate doing because I felt like I was failing, now I recognize it as adapting and part of goal setting.


So here’s what I’m planning on changing:


  • Complete a reading challenge is being changed to: read 52(ish) books. The reading challenge was about this many books, but I know what I like to read and don’t want to feel obligated to read certain genres of books just because it’s on a challenge.
  • Learn/try something new each month will remain the same. 



  • Attend the temple each month. I haven’t been good at this goal, but it will remain the same.
  • Adding: read the Doctrine & Covenants before the end of the year. 



  • Run more than 822 miles is being changed to: run between 400-500 miles. I’ve been exercising in different ways this year and realized I didn’t want to push for that many miles. Trying to run between 400-500 miles will still be a stretch, but I think it’s more realistic. 
  • Trilogize with Runtastic will remain the same. (I’m registered for all three races!)
  • Go to the dentist will remain the same.
  • Go to the optometrist will remain the same. (I’ve already completed this one)



  • Create a bucket list with Mike and cross off at least one item will remain the same.
  • Travel to 3 places we’ve never been to together will remain the same. 
  • Finish 2017 scrapbook, scrapbook 2018, and create books for 2013-2016 will remain the same.



  • Create 72 hour kits will remain the same. 
  • Have a no spend month changed to, have one month where 20% income is saved, from April-December save at least 10%
  • Book 12 photography sessions is being changed to, build up business ventures. (left broad on purpose)

I’m not necessarily where I would like to be at this point in the year, but my goals keep shifting.


Here’s where I’m at so far:

  • I’ve read 12 books (this month: How to Stop Time: Matt Haig, The sun and her flowers: Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey: Rupi Kaur, and The year of less: Cait Flanders)
  • In March, I attended a lettering class taught by Tessa Marie Letters
  • In March, we went to the Jordan River temple open house, but I didn’t do any temple work.
  • I’m up to 86 miles for the year
  • As mentioned, I registered for my 3 races with Runtastic (Timp, Nebo, and Haunted Half Provo)
  • Mike and I started our bucket list (maybe I’ll do a blog about that)
  • I saved 20% of my income in the month of March (and learned that a no spend month is more challenging than I thought)


I’m looking forward to the rest of the year. I’m hoping by adjusting my goals, I will be more excited about them. Also, I decided to do a 30 before 30 list! So I’m excited to cross many things off in the next 6 months! I’m still short on ideas, so hit me with any suggestions you have! 

I hope your year is going well. Remember, it’s not too late to set goals and it’s okay to readjust goals you’ve already set! If you would like help setting or maintaining your goals, please feel free to reach out to me:

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