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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2017 ch. 2

February was quite literally a blur. I’m still not sure if it is a good blur or not. But the fact that we’re already two months into 2017 is blowing my mind. I feel like I have a lot of work to do to accomplish everything I am setting out for myself, but I know if I keep at it, I can do it. 

This year I really wanted to focus on living with purpose and being in the moment more. I want to say yes to new experiences and stretch myself beyond what I think I am capable of. After two months, I definitely have quite a ways to go to mastering this. But I’m trying. 

This month I finished two books, one of which was new. I read The Happiness Project-Gretchen Rubin and The Power of Starting Something Stupid-Richie Norton with Natalie Norton. I love reading the Happiness Project every year as I believe it helps me get on the right track, to lay out my goals, and help me focus. I met the Norton’s in Arizona and was able to get to know their family. They are the most down to earth and genuine people I have met; I knew I wanted to read Richie’s book. The Power of Starting Something Stupid reinforced some of my bigger life goals and reminded me that they are something I need to actively work towards.

My running goals for the year are to earn the Tifecta Medal and run new races. I am signed up for two races in March and have signed up for race #1 of the Trifecta Medal. I also plan to run 1,000 miles this year. I’m still behind, but am at 146 miles. 

I wanted to get better at documenting my life this year and I am proud to say I have been doing well thus far! I have been writing in my journal weekly and I have started scrapbooking…my pictures for February have been ordered!  With this, I wanted to buy a nice camera. Because of some new opportunities, I may decide to put this off for a year. We’ll see.

I made a goal to visit 6 new temples this year. I haven’t been to any new temples yet, but I did do something new in the temple while I was in Arizona. It was so nice being back in the Mesa temple and trying something new; even better was attending with a friend! In March I plan on going to Oquirrh Mountain as my first new temple of the year.

My last (and favorite) goal is to travel every month. I am 2 for 2! We were able to go to Arizona over President’s Day weekend. I loved being home. Arizona will always be another home to me. The weather wasn’t perfect and I was sick, but it was still so nice being back! See my previous blog for more information on our trip.

Ultimately this year is about having new experiences. I want to get out of my rut of doing the same things over and over. I want to be brave and do things that scare me. I don’t feel like I’ve done this too much so far this year, but it’s something I want to work harder on. 

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